Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Dance of the lemmings?

I could be polite. But I shan't be. You have been warned.

What a bunch of utter pillocks we must look to the outside world, let alone to DoH, Commissioning GP bodies and everyone else who likes a good laugh at some inept set of individuals making a mockery of themselves in public.

Positions on comissioning bodies as a matter of right? Only for the position of Court Jester, these hard pressed people in charge of delivering healthcare under the worst financial constraints since the end of World War Two could do with a moment or two of mirth, and we're there to provide it.

In case you are at all unclear at what I refer to, click on the following link to read the full and bizarre truth about the morons we pharmacists are.


If it doesn't work, e-mail me and I'll repost the thing. Unbelievable what a set of plonkers we are!

Some of us have taken it upon ourselves to report ourselved for poor performance. How noble! How gallant! How sh1t for brains f%^$£$&G stupid can we get? On second thoughts, please, NOBODY ANSWER THAT! We might regret it even more. Any volunteers for a red hot poker up the jacksie? Yes! Silly b*&^^%r pharmacists will try that. Anything for a laugh those chums of ours, I can hear them say.

What about the future? Forget it! With clowns like these, who needs water pistols? At least they aren't real guns, then we could shoot ourselves in both feet. But as usual, being so inept, we'd probably miss! Cause to report ourselves for poor performance?

How have we come to this?

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