Thursday, 1 July 2010

Shooting ourselves in both feet.

So, there we have it. The first salvos that tell us we're in for our own winter of discontent. The propoganda war starts today. Not that Pharmacists will (or should) go on strike, and yes, despite a typo error on my Profile on our "new project", as I'm not 31 years old and was 18 in the year Thatcher came to power, I do remember the original "winter of discontent" and Britain being the "sick man of Europe). Happy days!

The news that GP's are likely to see their pay cut by a quarter can only be bad news for pharmacy.

It's a line in the sand that multiples in particular will clutch and hold on to for grim death, noting that despite the "recession" (aka "a time when people don't buy what they don't need") one of them has posted third year double digit profits. Times must be tough!

We have been advised that one of them is cutting a pound an hour off all locum rates in mid-September, or a 4.54% pay cut BEFORE inflation and IGNORING the 6% year on year prescription volume increase they are likely to get just by organic growth, ignoring again self generated growth (if they have any). So, 6% more work for you for 4.54% LESS pay. Doesn't seem fair, does it? But we're all having to share the pain, aren't we, I hear you say. Not really, we say. Double digit growth means more than 10 %, so somewhere, someone doesn't understand percentages. It could be worse, we could do it in fractions. Ah! I hear you sigh. So what's the answer?

We've said it before and we'll say it again. Vene, Vedi, Vici.

I said we'd been around for a long time. I came, I saw, I conquered. But who thought of Divide and rule? Works every time.

We have terms and conditions, like everyone else. It doesn't matter if some pharmacists break them, does it? Book direct through us and don't tell the agency, and you'll be better off, trust me! Nudge nudge, wink wink. And you're better off! Miraculous! Whilst it lasts, then the calls dry up, then you've no work, then they say, "Tell you what, seeing it's you, we'll do you a favour". You breathe a sigh of relief, before choking at what comes next. "We've had to drop the rates though, you understand, there's a recession on" You fall silent. "Of course, if you don't want it, we've got locums and other agencies queuing up for it...". Then, finally ,despite everything we've told you, you finally realise the truth. You've been mugged. Take a couple of pounds an hour pay cut or get no work. No brainer. Not really - the no-brainer was not listening to our years of experience.

Still, no one died. True, but that's only because pharmacists in the main don't have guns. Human beings normally shoot themselves in the foot. I must have missed those sessions at Uni which taught the rest of my colleagues how to use a gun, since too many are superb when it comes to shooting ourselves in both feet.

In case anyone reading this masitakes these observations for bitterness, forget it. We've been around for over 16 years doing this, and we know how it works, so bitterness was overcome by reality many years ago. Frustration, though, that it always seems to end this way? You could be onto something there. Answer? In the name of everything that is Holy, do not give Pharmacists guns, or we've all had it!

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