Tuesday, 23 March 2010

What to do when the roof caves in?

Just when we think spring's on the way, it decides to rain and rain and rain. Then it got through the ceiling of the office above and eventually it comes through our ceiling and the ceiling collapses on us!

Having cleaned off the wet plaster and dusted down the keyboards, we've had to make a temporary relocation to try to manage. The main telephone line of 01482 - 863172 remains operational - if anyone has previously used any of our extension numbers (475195, 475196 etc), these will not work for much longer, so please continue to use the main number.

E-mail and text services remain intact, but for a couple of weeks, speeds might be slower than usual, so please bear with us. A new Post Office Box (P.O. Box) number will be soon used for correspondence and we will announce any other changes via the web site as they occur.

Thanks to the person who offered us the use of their delapidated barn! We're very touched.

Further news on it's way as and when we know it.

Linda and Stephen

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